The main purpose of a data center is to run the application to handle the business and operation of the organization's data. This system is internally developed by the organization, or from an enterprise software provider, where to buy. ERP and CRM systems like general purpose applications. A data center may only be concerned about the operating system structure, or provide other services. Often these applications from multiple hosts, each host is running a single component. Usually this component is a database, file servers, application servers, middleware, and other sorts of things. The data centers are often used for non-site backup. The company may be scheduled for the services provided by the data center. This is often the backup tapes. Be able to backup server local on tape, tape storage areas vulnerable to security threats of fire and flood. Larger companies may send their backups to the workplace. Back to cast the data center can be completed. Encrypted backups can be sent over the Internet to another data center, security saved. Disaster recovery, a large variety of hardware vendors to develop a mobile device solutions can be installed and operational in a short period of time. Suppliers such as Cisco Systems, Sun Microsystems, IBM, and HP-developed system can be used for this purpose.

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