The first year after the baby was born crux of the era of the development of infant nutrients. It has long been recognized. During this time, baby supply the necessary nutrients and things, its growth and development but the most useful. The parents must make a decision on breast-feeding or feeding milk substitutes and when to start feeding solid food. Therefore, to understand the baby's different types of food can be fed, and when beginning to feed babies solid food knowledge for parents and other caregivers babies, nature is necessary, it will help parents infant feeding.
Breast milk has the unique benefits of breast milk is the custom for each infant. Which two mothers can create the same milk. Seminar: Breast milk can prevent the baby from illness. Colostrum (ie, infant breastfeeding start to drink milk) containing strengthen infant immune system antibodies. In breastfed infants with acute and chronic diseases, such as: lower incidence of lung, ear and intestinal infections. Breast milk also contains nutrient supplies, enhance brain development breast milk can strengthen a child's IQ. Breastfeeding can also enhance the development of the baby face and teeth. Breastfeeding also has psychological, social, economic and environmental benefits. First-time mothers, new mothers are the most frequently asked topics is how talented judgment infants fed no. The best way is: count the number of babies soiled diapers; a baby one day should wet at least 6 diapers. Most doctors recommend: breast-feeding newborns every 2-3 hours to feed milk (even if the baby had called to wake up to nurse). Side of the breast feeding babies for 10-30 minutes, specifically eat more, from infants to determine. Mother if the breast milk is squeezed out, then later baby food, these breast milk should be stored in a sterilized bottle on the bottle label, indicate the date and time of injection into the milk. Fresh milk should be cold to hide and application within two days; frozen breast milk should be applied within two weeks. If bottles and baby need to be sent to other childcare places, then the bottle must adhere to the low temperature and date, content, and the child's name labels.
Milk replacer feeding
Infant feeding with milk substitutes but also according to the needs of the baby, usually 4-6 times daily. When the newborn is one month old, every 24 hours generally take 18-24 ounces (509. 4-679 2 grams) of milk replacer to four months old, will grow to 32 ounces (about 905 grams of 6 ). Ready loaded milk replacer with bottles and other containers, if more than 24 hours not yet application can not be used to re-disinfect the talent application. Filled with ready to be fed milk replacer, or condensed milk substitutes than 48 hours after the container to open Gail milk substitutes is not for human consumption, must be thrown away, not edible. Appropriate heating baby bottles in order to have milk or milk substitutes, feeding bottles should be placed in hot water (not boiling water) for 5 minutes; shake bottle before feeding and check the temperature of the milk, and determine if the milk is not hot. The bottle must not be heated in a microwave! Microwave heating is uneven, the case of "too hot" burn the child's mouth and throat. Bottle feeding with the breast milk or milk substitutes, the bottle should only be used once and wash clean thoroughly before applying it again; residue inside the bottle from the infant's mouth bacteria contamination. If the bottles, caps, children and pacifier children rather than use the dishwasher, hand wash, then before re-application should they washed clean and placed in boiling water and cook for 5 minutes or longer.
Solid food feeding
Baby should be at what time start to eat solid food? Should be able to rely on the support material help to the baby to sit up and firmly to his neck in moderation and you can head to shift from one side to the other side. This usually occurs in children 4-6 months. Children with this condition start giving him solid food is mainly due to this day and age is the child's iron reserves should run out of time. Solid food from the rice the beginning of the food, because grains lead to the possibility of an allergic reaction minimum. Start feeding should use a very small amount, about a teaspoon of cereal mixed a few teaspoon of milk or milk substitutes. Cereal porridge is too thick, the baby will be difficult to cope with, and may lead to blockage. Therefore, should not be too thick, was flow like, and should use an appropriate child oral spoon fed, so porridge flow into the child's mouth. Some porridge may flow out from the mouth of the baby, because babies are not accustomed to the food to the back of the mouth to swallow them. Initially, children may eat a few bites to eat. Cereal containing oats, barley and wheat can be fed in children 6 months; vegetables and fruits can be fed children 6-8 months old. Identify possible food allergies, a new food each test feed should only take one, and at least have three days of the time interval in order to take another new food. The most likely foods to cause allergic reactions are wheat, peanuts, citrus fruit or juice, milk fish, and egg white, etc.. The symptoms of allergic reactions were diarrhea, rash, vomiting, and cramps (often the abdomen). Pediatrician and nutrients scientists have suggested: first take the vegetables, then take the fruit. The reason is that human beings are born with a preference for the fruit "sweet". If the baby learns to eat the fruit first, so they do not how may want to eat vegetables, because vegetables better than fruit sweet. Feeding: juice should dilute half juice and half water; and every day is limited to 4-6 ounces (about 113 2-169 8 g), too much may cause diarrhea.
Due to the risk of food contamination, and recommended the application of trade in baby food (no added sugar, fat or salt) instead of homemade food. When making and re-heated home-made baby food, the insistence on blocking of bacterial growth temperature is very difficult. To take to prevent contamination of home-made food or trade baby food, required food from the container, use a clean spoon, then remove the food on a clean plate, and immediately fitted with unapplied food container Cold hiding. Hide food for the next application, but remove the share of food over 24 hours of unused necessary to throw away. Spoon fed baby food for babies is a new experience, so, if the first few mouthfuls child spit it out, do not intimidate him. The babies need to gradually adapt to the food on the spoon and the spoon. Beginning when a small amount of food fed to children, and gradually increased to eat every day, twice with two tablespoons to supply children with the iron and protein. About child seven months, you can feed more than lumps of food, such as: cooking good chopped vegetables, a small amount of soft fruits and toast bar. 7-10 months, you can feed mixed child-loving vegetables mess, and suggested that every day 3-5 times a breastfeeding or 24-32 ounces (about 679 2-905. 6 g), on behalf of dairy feed. Their own children to feed their own time is 10-12 months time. Means shaped like food and can stick to the spoon on the food is very good. This stage of development is a delicate stage of development, but it is a milestone in infant development.
Recommend one year old children the amount of food as follows: supply a supply of protein food (minced meat, fish or chicken 1/4 cup or 1 ounce (about 28.3 g)); supply 2 - vegetables and fruits 4 times (each 1/4 cup); supply 2-4 times (1/4 cup) of fruit; supply of grain six times (each 1/4 cup cereal, 1/2 thin slices bread, 2 crackers) 3 cups whole milk or breast milk.
Discouraged baby was born in its first year food attitude is very major. The goal should be: to meet the nutrient needs of infant and child in the child's diet to the introduction of a variety of food and pay attention not to over-eating, to establish good eating habits, enhance child food preferences and Buzhi Yu child exaggerated the role of food to an inappropriate extent.

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