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Nordic social care service concepts: universalism - comprehensive service covering all citizens

Social care services as the provision of social services for individuals, has become the new phenomenon of social structure. After 1945, the social services in Western countries has become an integral part of social policy framework. Social services in the financial investment, organization and management, the extent of production procedures and controls the process of growth has made it become a part of an independent and responsible in the public utilities. Shaping the development of the most significant in Northern Europe, they go faster than the United Kingdom. Countries of the five Scandinavian social democratic welfare model, social services in the last 1960s, the concept appears in the official file. Then social services are planned as part of the overall social policy, for a range of different behavior of local governments to create a broad basis.

These are provided within the community of social care services, including: 1) Child and Family Services: receipt of a child, adopted child, raising children, supervision of the child's parents on the upbringing of children, child protection is not offended. To provide children with financial and material assistance, provide wheelchair meal. 2) home care services: to provide family services to the elderly and the physically disabled, blind, deaf or educational. 3) The day-to-day care: for the elderly and persons with disabilities to establish clubs, daily clinics, the elderly, mentally handicapped training center, the disabled, day care schools and health centers. 4) Advisory services: the establishment of counseling centers, family estate planning, the young medical advice, back to health home visits to members of the family nurses, midwives, mental workers to provide home care knowledge and education.

The use of the concept of social services reflected two changes: the ideological and political changes in the field and in a statistically significant change.

 The Scandinavian country has created a world-renowned society taking care of the service, which is characterized by extensive and cover all citizens. Society to care for care services is voluntary, no one is forcing them to accept, accept the service provider nor the stigma of shame. With other countries in Northern Europe this typical social democratic welfare state, social policy. World War II, the Scandinavian pattern formation, maintaining a more "Beveridge-style" and not "Bismarck" model ingredients. Nordic social welfare based on a government-driven mode. They built a system (institutional) "mode. In Northern Europe, the concept of a social cause interference by the state social policy, the class solidarity and security of all citizens enjoy full citizenship rights and to maintain a decent standard of living should be equal. Nordic countries, the followers of Marshall's concept of "citizenship" in social legislation.

Nordic social care services as the one everyone should enjoy the right to be the implementation and development, so generally established social care service system has become a distinctive feature of the Nordic welfare society. In northern Europe, the care service system consists of three part, that is, old people's homes, home help services and child day-care centers.

Homes for Elderly People

Homes for Elderly People in the Nordic developed from the social welfare system in 1960 to establish to the social welfare system in 1993 to improve the period of 30 years, the five Nordic countries in addition to Ireland, living in institutions and nursing homes for the elderly, the average figure probably hovering between 5-7%. In 1993, the five Nordic countries, the proportion of elderly people living in the home for the elderly aged over 65, the highest 12% in Ireland, the lowest in Sweden is 5%, an average of 7.2% 

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