The prosperity of the data center the advent of the dot-com bubble. Companies need a fast Internet connection, and continue the deployment of the system and the emergence of the Internet. Installation of such equipment is not feasible for many small companies. Many companies started to build a very large device, known as Internet data centers (IDCs), it provides a system deployment and operation of commercial solutions. New technologies and practices are designed to handle the operational requirements for the measurement and such a huge measurement operation.
Since 2007, data center design, build and operate a well-known subjects. The standard document from a trusted group of experts, such as the Telecommunications Industry Association, detailing the needs of data center design. The well-known operation of data center availability metrics can be used to assess the impact of business interruption. There are many developers be done in the operating practice, and design a friendly environment for the data center.
The IT business is one of the most critical aspects of the majority of the organization's business. A major concern is business continuity; companies rely on their information systems to operate their business. If a system becomes unavailable, company operations may be impaired or stopped completely. IT operations to ensure a reliable basis for construction organizations, the destruction could be minimized, it is necessary. Information security is a concern, and for this reason, a data center had to provide a safe environment in order to ensure minimize the possibility of a security breach. A data center to the integrity and functionality of its host environment, and must therefore maintain a high standard. This double redundant fiber optic cable and contains emergency backup power sources to be completed.

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