at home nursing care
The recent temperature difference between day and night, the child of a fever increased significantly, many children are in the middle of the night a sudden bout of fever. Faced with this situation, the parents how to do?
     First, we have to understand the child's normal body temperature. Normal children with body temperature of 36 ℃ and -37.5 ℃, fever more than 37.5 ℃. 37.5 ℃ -38 ℃ low heat 38 ℃ -39 ℃ for medium heat above 39 ℃ fever. Children of low grade fever and moderate heat can usually be home-based care, but more than three days, but also to go to the hospital. If high fever, they should immediately see a doctor, home care only after the diagnosis.
     1, how to cool down to the children?
     The cold wet method: a small towel in cold water or ice water soaked, slightly wring out, apply forehead. Every 3-5 minutes for time, also at the same time in the armpit, neck, thigh with, the better. However, if the child has chills, skin blur should be stopped.
     Warm sponge bath: towel soaked in the warm water of slightly higher than body temperature, for the children to wipe the skin so that the blood vessels to dilate, blood flow to the heat. Wipe it again, you can be the evaporation of skin moisture and then rub the second time, until the temperature is decreased.
     Alcohol sponge bath: alcohol as volatile, and can quickly take away the heat from the skin, to achieve cooling purposes. Sponge bath before the first cold forehead, can assist in cooling, but will also prevent sponge bath surface vasoconstriction, the blood concentration of the head caused by congestion. Dip alcohol, use gauze or a handkerchief to wipe both sides of the neck to the arm, and then from both sides of the underarm to the palm of the hand, then rub back from the neck down. Lower limb and then rub, rub by leg lateral to the dorsum of the foot from the hip, medial wipe to Zuxin the thigh rub the nest from the back of the thigh by the knee to the heel. Each upper and lower extremities and back rub for 3-5 minutes, armpit, elbow, groin knee after vascular area, which could focus on sponge bath, in order to improve the cooling effect. Chest, abdomen, neck and other parts sensitive to cold stimuli, not wipe.
     2, how to take antipyretics?
     Cooling, antipyretics only and can not eliminate the cause of fever. Better do the physical cooling if the temperature does not drop, then drugs cooling.
     First of all, if the child is fever more than 40 ° C, or a history of febrile convulsions, should be with antipyretics. Second, dissatisfaction with three small babies and the poor health of infants and young children should be used with caution, to prevent excessive sweating caused by collapse. Again, by a doctor should be based on the child's age, weight determine each dosage, dosing interval, generally not less than four hours. Finally, after taking more children to drink water, in order to sweat the heat out, or can not fully play the role of antipyretics.
     3, the dress cover unnoticed Han?
     Fever in children dressing should not be too thick blankets do not cover too thick, especially infants and young children was not wrapped too tight, otherwise it will affect the heat, the temperature is difficult to come down. Fever children in the cooling process will sweat a lot, use the hot towel, chest, back, underarms, facial sweat, and the timely replacement of underwear.
     4, how to eat?
     The child had a fever of nutrients and increased water consumption, it should be appropriate to reduce the diet, and eat nutritious digestible liquid food or semi-liquid food such as milk, soy milk, rice, noodle soup, ravioli, egg. Watering as much as possible to the child, such as sugar, fruit juice, water or soft drinks, drink plenty of water not only cool, but also conducive to the excretion of bacteria and viruses. In addition, pay attention to oral hygiene. Gargle with warm water before meals, after meals, gargle with salt water or brush your teeth.
     The body temperature is best for every four hours measured once; fever every 1-2 hours measured over 40 minutes of measuring body temperature; use of antipyretics, in order to observe the efficacy. Observe the state of mind, looking, breathing, and whether there is a rash. If the diarrhea in children, can stay in the stool specimens for laboratory tests; if there is sweating, pale, weak and collapse phenomenon should be fed sugar water and contact your doctor. If the child is irritable mood, can shift his attention through story-telling. Try not to let the children play, in order to reduce physical exertion during a fever.

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