Domain name: website domain
A domain name is the Internet network on a server or a network name and domain name in the world did not repeat the form of a domain name in a number of letters of the alphabet and numbers. "Divided into several parts, such as baidu, com a domain name. Technically, the domain name is just an Internet IP address corresponding to a method for solving. You can say just a technical term. However, because the Internet has become for people all over the world of the Internet, the domain name also naturally become a social scientific terms. A domain name is an identification string, which defines administrative autonomy, authority, or control of the realm of the Internet. The domain name is the Domain Name System (DNS) rules and procedures. The domain name is used in different network environments, and application-specific naming and addressing purposes. In the general case, the domain name on behalf of the Internet Protocol (IP) resources, such as the use of personal computers to access Internet, a Web site hosted on the server computer, or the site itself or any other communication via the Internet.

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